Avis Product Options Integration

Avis Product Options allows you to add custom product options and variants to your products.

POWR Contact Form

POWR Contact Form Builder is a Shopify App that empowers you to create high-converting contact forms

Search Result

This element will show the product, article, or page on the website when you search


Let’s discuss how to add, style and customize rows within your pages and layouts.  Section

Layout Switch

This element allows users to switch between the Listing Grid layouts on the front end

Mobile navigation extension

Bottom navigation bars display three to five destinations at the bottom of a screen. An

Show Text from Metafield in EComposer

There are 3 types of Text metafields: Single text, Multi text, and Rich text. Follow

Article Box

EComposer Page Builder is known for our no-code drag-and-drop page builder that enables non-technical users to

How to import/export extension setting

Exporting and importing EComposer extensions can be a useful way to move your extensions from

Klaviyo Reviews extensions

As you are aware, the majority of our stories require the use of an app