
The Video is one of the elements from the Basic tab and plays an important role in

How to Create a Collection List in Shopify?

A collection list template is a page with the Collections on it. There is a

Blog Title

The Blog Title element is designed to display the titles of your Shopify blog on your page to increase


From the left side, you will see the Quantity element in the list of elements. It


This element allows you to show the price of the products together with the sale

Google Map

With Google Maps you can develop customized map-based applications for your company. Google Maps is usually the basis of any

Resolve error: “Template content exceed

When saving or publishing your page, you may see a message “Template content exceeds 256KB

How to add the page create in EComposer to yo

After creating pages with EComposer, you will want to display them in your store. Usually,

How to replace a new page create in EComposer

For example, your store has an About Us page, but it is not good and

What we can do with EComposer when using a Sh

There are many customers that are using the Kalles, Gecko, Basel, or other themes with