Page Content
This element helps you to display the content of a Shopify page to your page in EComposer. This is really helpful to reduce the size of the page and is easier instead of copying and pasting a bunch of text into the textbox.
For example, you have an Accordion or a Tab element on your page, and you want to have long content in each tab. Instead of using the text element to show the content, you can add your content to a page in Shopify and then use the Page Content element to show the content to.
1. Adding Page Content
- Click into Elements –> Shopify –> Page Content
- Drag the Page Content element from the left sidebar and Drop it wherever you want it to stay.
2. Configure Page Content
2.1. Content
General Setting:
- Select a Page: You can choose any page you like, and also you can Change or Delete it easily.
- Select attributes to show: There are 6 attributes for you to play around with. These are: Page title/author/content/published at/description and Custom Liquid Code
2.2. Design
- General: You can change the Background, Box shadow, Border/Border Radius, and Spacing of the element here.
- Page title/content/published at/description: These all allow you to change the basic attributes like Alignment, Typography, Text Color, Text Gradient, Text Shadow, and Spacing which are all covered here.
2.3. Advanced
This tabs have been very well documented here.