Cart Attribute

Author: Jade Abit 1149 views

At the default Checkout page, Shopify does not allow you to type more some information, leave notes for your order. This element will be a solution in this case.

Cart attributes element are used to collect additional information about the order, letting customers add their personal touch right on the Cart page.

1. Content

  • Number of fields per row: basically control how many columns you want to show
  • Gap: this is an option to adjust the spacing between the text and input fields
  • Fields: This element has a total of 7 field types. The options there will help you to assemble extra details under text, email, datetime,… formats.
    It’s easier for the customer to fill in the form and it encourages them to complete the required information quickly

1.1. Text Field

When present, it specifies that only pure text format can be filled out. You can also set it as required or not before submitting the form.

Note: Field name is unique and you must not leave it blank

1.2. Email Field

Only validating email addresses can be filled out. You can also set it as required or not before submitting the form.

Note: Field name is unique and you must not leave it blank

1.3. Checkbox Field

When present, allow you to select none/single/multiple values for submission in a form. You can also set it as required or not before submitting the form.

Note: Field name is unique and you must not leave it blank

1.4. Radio Field

It is used to select one of many given choices. Radio buttons are shown in radio groups to show a set of related options, only one of which can be selected.

1.5. Select Dropdown Field

Creating a dropdown list of options that can be selected. You can also set it as required or not before submitting the form.

1.6. Datetime Local Field

This field is used to store datetime values only

1.7. Long Field

A Long Text field can be useful for storing large amounts of information, such as notes, comments, and descriptions.

2. Design

  • General: change the background color, border, and spacing of the entire cart attribute table area
  • Label: With the options for Typography, Text color, Text gradient, and Text shadow, you might change this element’s key setting.
  • Input: This tab will have Text alignmentTypographyColorColor placeholderText GradientWidth, and Spacing. These options will be set for the input area to which the customer typing
  • Checkbox: change the style of options from checkbox fields. These configurations can be set separately for NORMAL, ACTIVE, and HOVER mode

Note: You can make the tick box square or circle using Borer radius option

  • Radio: edit the style of options from radio fields

Note: You can make the radio box square or circle using Border radius option

Where does this Cart Attribute datas go?

You can find it out in your Shopify Admin -> Orders -> Order details -> Additional details. It’s shown up only when your customer has completed an order.

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