
Author: Sarah Pham 3467 views

This element allows you to add heading tags ranging from H1 to H6, as well as links to these tags. Simply, this element is meant to allow you to use the title without having to go via the text editor element.

1. Add Heading

From Basic > drag and drop the Heading above the section then it will appear an Edit box.

2. Configure Heading

2.1. Content

  • Heading Text: Allows you to alter the content’s style simply, such as bold, italic, underline, color, and clear format,…
  • Insert Link: Configure a link for the heading. You can paste the URL here directly or select page from source
  • HTML Tag: Allows you to specify the syntax for headers ranging from H1 to H6. When the applied tag type is selected, the front end will show it as an H1 to H6 tag.
  • Use Tooltip: This will allow you to add extra information about the meaning of the Heading that you are using in the Tooltip Content. As a customer hovers over the Tooltip, they may view information about what you would like to discuss more.

2.2. Design

  • Text/ Tooltip: It includes Alignment, Typography, Text Color, Text Shadow, and fields that are applicable to Heading.
  • Tooltip icon: This will let you change the basic options as Color for the icon, Size and Rotate.

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