Variant Attributes

From the left side, you will see the Variant Attributes element in the list of elements. Drag

Selling Plans

After you set up subscriptions, your customers can make scheduled purchases in a repeating frequency.

Collection Tags

The Collection Tags element display product tags on collection pages. Customers can click on the


If a customer can’t buy a product they’ve liked right away, the Wishlist feature lets

Add to cart

This is an indispensable element on the product page because it allows customers to perform


The Masonry Layout is one of the basic elements and plays an important role in your sales

Icon List

This section will help you build your list of icons with smooth animation. It’s considered


The Spacer Element is used to increase the distance between sections and elements on the page. 1.


From the left side, you will see the Button element in the list of elements. Drag and


The Image is one of the elements from Basic elements and plays an important role in your