Language & Country

Author: Eira 262 views

The Language & Country feature integrated into EComposer offers a seamless way to enhance the shopping experience for your international customers. This tool allows visitors to easily switch between different languages and country-specific content, ensuring a more personalized and localized shopping journey.

From Element list > Shopify > Language & Country

Note: This element can be active on all pages.

1. Content

1.1. Enable switcher

You can choose to display Language Switcher, Country Switcher, or Language & Country Switcher

If you want to display currency by country, enable Show prices to customers in their local currency in your Shopify store

Note: To enable Show prices to customers in their local currency. You must set up Two-step authentication for your account, and add Shopify Payments

Similarly, add the language to your Shopify store and publish & translate.

1.2. Dropdown position

Allows you to control where the dropdown will appear: Top or Bottom

2. Design

Language & Country allows you to configure design for Selector, Dropdown, Search

In each main option, there are so many options inside to change Color, Background color, Border, Border radius, Width, Spacing, etc. Please go here to figure them out.

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