Store Locator

With the help of the store locator, you can give your customers information about the

Text Marquee

Use the Text Marquee to animate your text in a horizontal loop. It gives the

<strong>Content Protection</strong>

The Content protection extension serves several purposes but primarily aims to protect the rights and

How to create a full width section?

Typically, you’re searching for a feature that allows the Section to fill the entire screen,

Article Comments

The comment element will show any feedback from readers, including clients or anybody else who

Article Comment form

The Comment Form Element will offer a form for users to fill out with their

Article Comment count

Note: From the very first step, you should enable the options in the blog post

Article Author

The author of some articles should be made clear, or readers should be given more

Timeline Showcase

This Timeline Showcase element will walk you through the process step-by-step so you can display

How to create a Password/Coming soon page?

A pre-launch page, often known as a coming soon page, is a landing page where