How many ways to save a page/template

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Do you know that Ecomposer provides various options for you to save unfinished works, move designs to another store, save works for late revision, and copy sections across pages? Let’s walk through all these available features.

1. Save page/template

1.1. Revision

The revisions feature helps you to save your work automatically every 5 minutes, in case you might want to have a later review or back-up for current changes to your page. Autosave is temporary (each auto-saved is only available for backup in 60 minutes or more based on your plan).

Click here to learn more about Revision feature

Note: All revisions are saved on the browser and device you used to edit the page/template. It is not possible to restore from other devices or browsers.

1.2. Save as draft (Manual save)

When you want to try some new designs on an existing page but are not sure if the designs might have a better look compared to the original one. Save as draft allows you to temporarily save your work for later review. You can save more than 1 draft for a page and review.

Note: All drafts are saved on the browser and device you used to edit the page/template. It is not possible to restore from other devices or browsers.

1.3. Save to Library

The “Save to Library” and “Save As Template” features allow you to save any section and page, and you can insert in the next time you use it.

  • Save section: Right-click to your section > choose Save As Template > input section’s name and click Ok.
  • Save page: Choose the Save to Library feature in the bottom left corner -> Enter the page’s name and click save.
  • Access Library: Click on this icon on the top-left screen > choose the My Templates tab to show all saved pages and sections.

1.4. Export and Import

Save more time with the Import and Export feature in EComposer. It’s easier to reserve a custom-made design offline and continue to have some revisions online. These features allow you to copy designs across pages and different stores.

  • Export as file: Choose Export as file from the in the bottom-left corner to save your work as an offline file.
  • Import file: Choose Import file when you create a new template. Navigate to your saved file.ecom and click Import now.
Click here to learn more about options in Export/Import file.

Note: If you Import a file.ecom to an existing page, it will overwrite the current display page, so make sure to perform Import file in a blank template to avoid data loss.

2. Publish page/template

An unfinished template can be saved without publishing it for later review and revision.

Click on the Publish button on the top-right corner > Go to the General tab > Choose Save or Save & Publish as you like.

Save and Published pages will be saved on Ecomposer backend so you can access and edit your page on any time on web browser

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