Article Comments

Author: Charlotte Tran 912 views

The comment element will show any feedback from readers, including clients or anybody else who has viewed the blog post.

When utilizing the Comment element, we advise using it along with the Comment form and Comment count elements. to provide the reader with the most excellent possible experience and a professional perspective on the blog posts.

Note: Fron the very first step, you should enable the options in the blog post to make comments permitted instantly, among some other things. More information is available here.

Content Settings

1. General:

  • Date format: You have various options for displaying the date, like using the format MM/DD/YY or including the time after that.
  • Comment per page/ gap/ position: You may adjust the number of comments on a single page using those basic comment settings, as well as the Spacing and Location.
  • Show G-avatar: Give readers the option to display their avatar when they leave comments. We will get avatars from Gravatar to show if you use your email to register your account here.
    • Icon name/time/ position/spacing: A changeable reader name Icon and, of course, a Time/Date Icon signature are both acceptable. The final step will be setting the Icon Spacing and its Position, excluding.

    2. Pagination:

    • Show Pagination: You can choose whether to display the Pagination or not. If so, you can proceed to change the content setting.
    • Pagination style: You can select either Inline or Block as the Pagination Style. And choose the one you like most.
    • Prev page icon/ Next page icon: Enabling you to select a different Prev/Next icon style
    • Spacing between page numbers (px): The distance between the Icons can be changed arbitrarily.

    Design Settings

    • General: You can adjust the fundamental design parameters, including Alignment, Background, Box Shadow, Border, and Border-Radius.
    • Comment/ Author/ Date: Typography, Text Color, Text Gradient, Text Shadow, and Spacing are some of the decorations you can adjust.
    • Pagination: Give you the option to alter the Alignment, Background, Box Shadow, Border, Border-Radius, and Spacing. As well as various other unique
    • Settings for the Item: Such as Typography, Text Shadow, Box Shadow, Width-Height (when you Hover, Normal Active), and so on.
    • G Avatar: Give you the option to alter the Width-Max Width-Height, Image Fit, and certain Hover and Normal setting effects.
    • Icon: Allow you to alter the icon’s Color, Size, Rotate, and other aspects without changing the Spacing setting.

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