Extensions & Integrations

Author: Anna Nguyen 4622 views

Power up your store with EComposer built-in extensions and third-party app integrations

EComposer Extensions
EComposer Extensions

All extensions of EComposer https://youtu.be/CSJJgO9IsxQ?feature=shared

Third-party Extensions
Third-party Extensions

Third-party apps integrated with EComposer

Theme Partners
Theme Partners

Welcome to the EComposer Theme Partner Intro Page.


Translate EComposer's pages using the Translate apps


  • Cedric

    February 20, 2024

    I have a problem when using WideBundle with E-composer.
    The widebundle offer replaces the whole product section instead of replacing only the variants and add to cart button.
    The problem seems to come from E-composer because on the same shop a product page that is not built with E-composer doesn’t have any problem with WideBundle.
    Also I would like to show my WideBundle offer on my home page but I do not see the option on the home page, it says that WideBundle is only available on product page. Is there a way to change that please ?

    • Anna Nguyen

      February 23, 2024


      Could you please take some screenshots of the Widebundle issue on your product page for me? Sorry, I’m not sure if I get your mean since I see it is showing fine on your product page https://prnt.sc/qZr3sEDw66mF
      On the Homepage, can you try to go to the Theme customize to check to see if you can add that app to your Homepage or not?

      Best Regards,


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