AVADA SEO: Image Speed Optimizer
This tool is easy to use and makes SEO a step-by-step solution for people who don’t understand the ever-changing world of SEO while keeping the website fast. Every aspect of On-page SEO, from titles, meta tags to keyword research, will be covered by this tool
To use this tool, please install the AG SEO: Image Speed Optimizer from App store firstly

After downloading the app on Shopify, please go back to the SEO Audit in EComposer App.
There are two SEO options for you to select, please choose Avada

Now you start resolving one by one point in the SEO Checklist to improve your SEO score
Notice: SEO is not one single thing that you can do, it’s the end result of lots of different activities

- Image alt: Alt text will be displayed in place of an image if an image file cannot load. Alt text provides better image context/descriptions to search engine crawlers, helping them to index and rank an image properly in image search. It also provides search engines with contextual information about the content on the page

Every image should have an ALT text

- Google structured data: This (also called “rich snippets”) is a type of Google search results that show extra details about your webpage, such as ratings, images, and prices, to help you attract more attention and traffic from search engines.

Click Publish button to find out then enable this option “Use google rich snippet”

- Use of main keyword: it’s is an HTML element that provides a short summary of a webpage. It can appear as a snippet below the page’s URL and title in Google’s search engine results pages You get to decide on the target audience for that page and choose the keywords and phrases necessary to reach these SEO goals.

Your key should be unique, descriptive, and relevant to the page. Click Publish button to find out then enable this option “Meta description”

Example: The meta description appears as part of the SERP snippet, just below the page’s breadcrumb path and clickable title tag.

- Internal links: Internal links are hyperlinks that point to different pages on the same website.

You can add Internal links to buttons or texts, just make sure that they’re included in your SEO page

- Passive voice: The English language has a subject-verb-object (SVO) sentence structure. This means, in most sentences, you’ll find a subject which performs the action, a verb that describes what the action is, and an object that is affected by the action. In the passive voice construction, we invert the sentences. We artificially make the receiver of the action the subject of the sentence.
That means you should use passive grammatical structures in some scenarios

- Title tag keywords: This is a clickable headline for the search result and is important for user experience, SEO, and social sharing

Example of a Title tag keyword: it’s showing above the meta description

- The following aspects below need to be noticed and covered too

- Title tag: It displays in a browser tab. It should tell Google what your page is about
- Outbound links: Outbound links are links that point from your website to another. They’re often used to connect and direct readers to external resources such as websites, articles, and other publications. The number, quality, and context of your outbound links can affect your SEO.
- Text length: The optimum post length for SEO appears to be from 2,250 to 2,500 words.
- Use of transition words: To make it easier for the reader to follow the ideas presented the text must contain a minimum amount of transition words. The transition words like also, in addition, and, likewise, add information, reinforce ideas, and express agreement with preceding material.
- Page load speed: indicates the time needed to download and view the whole content of a web page in the browser window
- Image no alt: detect how many images which have no ALT tag