How to restore pages/templates when reinstalling the app?
Did you accidentally uninstall the app, and when you reinstalled it, all of the pages and templates were gone? Let’s see how we can get those back.
Note: All pages/templates in the Trash will be permanently deleted after 20->30 days if you don’t reinstall the app.
1. With the landing page
- With Landing pages, go to EComposer Dashboard -> open the Landing & Pages -> open the Trash tab -> Click More -> Restore.
- Back to the Page dashboard > Edit that page > Save and Publish
2. With the templates
- With the others such as Home, Product and so on, go to EComposer Dashboard -> open the Templates -> Click Seach and filter -> Status -> Trash -> Restore.
- Back to the Templates dashboard > Edit that page > Save and Publish
Note: After being restored, all pages/templates will be unpublished state. If you want to show them on your store, please republish the pages/templates.