Show Text from Metafield in EComposer

Author: An Do 2171 views

There are 3 types of Text metafields: Single text, Multi text, and Rich text.

Follow this document to learn how to create Metafield first.

How to show Text metafield on the product page

Open a certain product name to show a Text metafield. For example, I chose the “Leather Watch” product.

Scroll to the bottom of the page, you will see the Metafield section appearing there and put the value for it.

Go back to the EComposer Editor -> On a Product template, you can drag and drop Metafield element.

Next step, go back to the Shopify backend > Settings > Metafield option > Products metafiled definition > Copy the value below:

Paste your metafield code to replace the red bold text with your metafield in the code below. This is the code for the text type:

{{ product.metafields.custom.delivery_time | metafield_tag }}

Note: You can use the same format code below for all the metafield Text type

{{ product.metafields.namespace.key | metafield_tag }}

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