Icon List

Author: Sarah Pham 2022 views

This section will help you build your list of icons with smooth animation. It’s considered one of the outstanding elements to optimize your page’s content with just a few simple steps.

1. How to add an icon list element

To configure Icon List, you can go to: Elements -> Basic -> Drag the Elementor named Icon List to the position that you want.

2. How to configure the icon list element

2.1. Content

Item Settings

  • Icon: Choose an icon for the icon list. You can choose our free icon or upload your icon.
  • Label: Add a label to emphasize your icon.
  • Description: Enter the content for the description.
  • Enable custom link: This option allows you to add a link to the icon item.

General settings

  • Icon position: A flexible option that allows you to choose where to put the Icon (to the left, top, bottom or right).
  • Layout: This allows you to choose a layout for the icon (Horizontal or Vertical).
  • Items per row: This allows you to change the number of icons in a row for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.
  • Space between: This allows you to change the space between icons.

You can add, duplicate, move, and delete the items if you want.

2.2. Design


  • Alignment: Set the horizontal alignment of the Icon List. It can be left, right aligned or centered.
  • Background Type:  Set background color or background image for the icon list.
  • Border: You can customize the border style for the icon list.
  • Border Radius: Define how round the corners of the icon list area are (available for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices).
  • Spacing: Set margin or padding value for the icon list (available for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices).


Normal and Hover: You will have the same settings on the Icon with each state of them.

  • Size: You can change the size of icons (available for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices).
  • Rotate: Set rotation value for icons (available for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices).
  • You are also allowed to change Color, Background, Border, and Box Shadow, Border Radius, Spacing for all Normal, Hover.


  • Alignment: Set the horizontal alignment of the label. It can be left, right aligned or centered
  • Typography: Set the typography options for the label.
  • Text Color: Select the color of the label.
  • Text Shadow: Add a shadow and blur to the label.
  • Spacing: Select the space between the icons.


It includes AlignmentTypographyText ColorText Shadow fields that are applicable to text. Alignment and Typography can be set for all devices.

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