Product Attribute

Author: An Do 1355 views

When it comes to creating a visually appealing store, one of the most important factors is attributes. This element will allow you to display all of the essential points to your customers, such as the color of the product, the fashion label, and or who should use that product, what your store wants to sell.

Note: This element allows you to add information about your product’s attributes. The data will be obtained from Shopify.

1. Adding Attribute

  1. Click into Elements –> Single Product –> Product Attribute
  2. Drag the Product Attribute element from the left sidebar and Drop it wherever you want it to stay.
Adding Product Attribute Element With EComposer App

2. Configure Product Attribute

2.1. Content

  • Preview: This feature allows you to Select the Product at this function and lets you view what it will look like.
  • You can display up to 5 items and assigned the headline for that kind of element. Those factors are known as Product Options, Product Vendor, Product Type, Product Tags, and Product Collections. Also at the end, you can Add items, Delete, and change the Position of the item as you think you need to show that information to your customer.
How To Change The Content With EComposer App

2.2. Design

  • General: You can set the basic things for this such as Background, Box Shadow, Border, and Border Radius.
  • Spacing: Let you change the space of this function.
  • Label: This may help you change the setting at the Label as Alignment, Text Color, Width, Padding, and more than that.
  • Attribute Text/ Attribute Link: You can change some of the main setting options such as Alignment, Typography, Text Color, Text Shadow, and so on.
Adjust the Design with EComposer

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