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Page Actions

Author: Charlotte Tran 5001 views

As you know when you finish with your Page, you are going to click on Publish, Save, Save as Draff, or Save in the Library or event you want to Preview the page that you are creating. Let’s follow up on our stages below to get more details on how it works and what it is for.

1. How to Publish your page

  • Publish mode with (Visible): This option will let the customer view your page anytime since you set this option.
  1. Click Save button
  2. And then turn Page Visibility to Visible mode
  3. The last step, click Save & Publish
  • Save without Publish with (Hidden): No customer can view it and you just can see this page via the preview link.
  • Where to get to the Preview Link

Click More Actions –> And then choose Preview current page

How to Use Preview

2. How to Save as draft (Manual save)

Save should be used to keep your work and many more for you to review later. For instance, when you want to try some new designs on an existing page but are not sure if the designs might have a better look compared to the original one, then you can use Save to keep it.

2.1. Save as draft (without Publish before)

When you initially develop a page without performing a publish action, by selecting Save for the first time > you can save it as a Draft Page and view it from the EComposer Dashboard.

2.2. Save as draft (with the Published page)

With the page that is already Published, you may hit the Save button. And then, if you want to use it again just need to get it in the Histories icon above to get it.

You can save more than 1 draft for a page and review it any time you want. Save as draft is permanent.

3. How to Save to a library

The “Save to Library” features allow you to save any page, and you can insert or edit it whenever you want to use it again.

  • Save page: Choose Save to Library feature in dropdown arrow in the top-right corner > Enter page’s name and click save.
  • Access Library: Click to this icon on top-left screen > choose My Templates tab to show all saved pages and sections.

4. How to Preview/View Page your page from EComposer

  • Preview current changes: If you are designing a page but you haven’t Saved or Published the page, the Preview button allows you to view all the changes without Saving/Publishing the page. For another instance, even if you already Saved/Published it and then you are going to change the colour, and font for the page again. After that, you don’t want to press Save or Publish, but you still can view the result from the Preview button.
  • View Page: Also, when you come to the View Page button, then the result that you can view is the one that you already Saved or Published before.

5. How to determine the page’s current status

You may occasionally need to know the status of a page after saving; for example, whether it has been Published, withdrawn from publication as Unpublish, or is being saved as a Draft. Let me fully explain how to identify the page’s status.

  • Draft/Unpublish: This allows you to save the design without publishing it and viewing it solely from the Preview button rather than the Live site.
  • Public: Let you share the result link with other staff members while viewing from the live site. Don’t worry, this option will just allow you to preserve the design and view it as if you were using it for your store, not overwrite yet.
  • Publish: The old layout from the theme will be replaced by the one from our app. If you do not have the Storefront Password, anyone can view it.

Homepage: There are three different saving statuses Unpublish, Published (Default), and Public.

Landing Page/Standard Page: You will have a status like Unpublish or Published>in relation to the pages.

Product/Collection/Blog/Article Template: With the template, there are three different page statuses that you can see below: Unpublish, Published and Published(Default)

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